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来源:石油石化物资采购 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-05-08 07:22
摘要:Oil is fact,it is so valuable that it's often called black ,oil isn't the only liquid to hold this in1come in(赛跑等)得名次。as the second-most valuable trade item in the world,coffee has enormous economic,social,and even politic

Oil is fact,it is so valuable that it's often called black ,oil isn't the only liquid to hold this in1come in(赛跑等)得名次。as the second-most valuable trade item in the world,coffee has enormous economic,social,and even political claim that over 2 billion cups of coffee are consumed every single day.Let's find out some interesting facts about“Coffee”.

石油很宝贵。事实上,正因其宝贵,常被称为“黑色的金子”。不过,石油并非唯一享此美誉的液体。作为交易额位居世界第二的商品,咖啡有着巨大的经济、社会甚至政治影响力。研究人员指出,每天都会有20 多亿杯咖啡被喝掉。这里是关于“咖啡”的一些趣事。

1.Coffee is actually a fruit.


Coffee is actually a fruit like a seed is often called coffee beans because of its resemblance22 resemblance 相似;相像。to actual it is a fruit it could be processed differently for getting different type of on the variety,the roast,and the brewing method,coffee can be brewed to taste like white grape,lemon zest3,zest(在糕点或饮料中用作调味香料的)橙皮(或柠檬皮)。plum juice,strawberry jam,etc.


2.The name came from Arabic word“qahwah”.

2.其名称源自阿拉伯语 qahwah。

The term coffee came from the Dutch word“koffie”which was originally borrowed from Ottoman Turkish4Ottoman Turkish 奥斯曼土耳其语。language word“kahve”.It is interesting that“kahve”was originally borrowed from Arabic word“Qahwah”.Qahwah is also known as Arabic coffee.

coffee 一词来源于荷兰语koffie,而koffie 是借用奥斯曼土耳其语kahve 一词。有趣的是,kahve 最初是借用阿拉伯词语Qahwah。Qahwah 也就是阿拉伯咖啡。

3.George Washington invented instant coffee.


No,not that George Satori Kato actually created the first“recipe”5recipe(饮料等的)调制法。 6 hit the spot(尤指食物和饮料)使人完全满意,切合需要。for making instant coffee,the man who invented the first mass produced instant coffee was George Constant Louis Washington,born in Kortrijk,Belgium in May it wasn't very tasty,it did hit the spot6for soldiers on the battlefield in World War I.


4.The stock exchange7stock exchange 证券交易所;证券市场。—both in London and in New York—started in coffeehouses.


Just as they are today,coffee houses often served as portable8portable 可移动的。“offices”for gentlemen doing business in earlier the London Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Exchanges started in popular coffee houses in their respective financial industries that also started in coffee house include auction houses (Sotheby's of London) and the insurance industry—Lloyds of London began in a coffee house as well.


5.Coffee was first cultivated in Middle East.


Although Coffee plant was first in Ethiopia it was first cultivated in it was used for religious purpose for Arabs at that Middle East it was reached Europe through Italy in 17th century.

虽然最早发现咖啡树是在埃塞俄比亚,但最早种植却是在也门。起初它被当时的阿拉伯人用于宗教目的,17 世纪从中东通过意大利传至欧洲。

6.Coffee may not make you sober,but it does seem to protect your liver from alcohol related diseases.


Despite old wives tales9old wives tale 无稽之谈;迷信。to the contrary,if you feed coffee to a drunk,all you get is a wide-awake10wide-awake 完全醒着的 the other hand,considerable research has found that people who drink coffee regularly show a much lower incidence of all liver diseases,including cirrhosis of the liver,which is commonly associated with chronic alcoholism.

文章来源:《石油石化物资采购》 网址: http://www.syshwzcg.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0508/619.html


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